Ben Wood Johnson is a philosopher. He is an educator and the author of a number of publications (ouvrages), including three books about Jean-Paul Sartre.
Johnson is also a multidisciplinary scholar. His academic background includes John Jay College of Criminal Justice, Penn State University, and Villanova University. His professional expertise is also extensive. Johnson worked as a police officer, a secret service agent, intelligence officer, security consultant, political consultant, public administrator, and foreign language specialist.
Johnson’s recent works include a publication about bullying (Cyber-bullying and School Interventions), a novel about morality/ethics (Madame De Rouleau), and a text about world history (Forced Out of Vietnam). Other scholarly works include the following fields: public administration, criminal justice, politics, and education. His research interests center on the following: legal theory and principles, foreign policy, school leadership, and ethics. Johnson also investigated issues pertaining to juvenile detention, race, immigration, and crime.
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